sitting here, writing

I am sitting at my desk, trying very much to grasp the five more minutes of concentration I have left for the evening.  Oh...there they go.  

These past few months have been chalked full of classes, both elementary and graduate, and some sort of work involving the intermingling of the two.  Add in a trip to Indiana for Thanksgiving and few extra classes and there I was left with a few hours to sleep and scratch the pup's head hello/goodbye.  Currently, I am trying to finish an incomplete project from last term.  For my practicum, ( I haven't mentioned that yet have I?) I am to write a "work sample" which fully explores, explains, and breaks down the classroom/students/learning environment in which I was privileged to student teaching.  Now I am working to bring into focus the six weeks I spent in a fourth grade classroom.  This means looking at each of the thirty students, assessing their learning gains from the ten lesson unit of math about fractions that I taught, and making sense of the data.

There are multiple colors of highlighters involved in this process.

Don't worry, there are plenty of fun aspects to talk about like vole bones, math manipulative, four-square games, and the building of Native American villages.  Oh, yes.  There is much to tell and we shall ring in the new year with it all.

::::::::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAMUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!::::::::
