a quiet day when mom and dad come to town

Tuesday was a quiet day around the house.  We spent the morning with Eury in our usual routine.  She played and enjoyed having Auntie and Unc read her lots of books.  She decided to take a long nap that day.

 I hung some laundry while Dad made a sketch of the backyard.  It was a pretty neat little snippet.

 Dad also made some fresh sourdough bread.  He brought the starter from back home.

 Then, they all took a nap.

After everyone was well-rested we headed to our little neighborhood for lunch.  We dined at Otto's where Mom and Dad split a Reuben and Eury had a hotdog hot off the grill (after it had cooled).  Then we drove down the road just a little more and took a lovely walk in Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden.  Though the flowers bloom in the spring the structure, foliage, and water features of the Garden is just spectacular.  I thought it was kind of magical.

Here they are hanging out by the waterfall.

 This brook was teeming with ducks.  Eury loved seeing all the ducks and geese.  Some of her favorite books have ducks as their central characters.

 Dad made some lovely sketches.

 Eury loved running on the bridge that had only openings too small for her slip through.

I don't even remember what this moment was about but it cracks me up.  Thirty years together and they have started to look alike.  I know they were admiring the huge hydrangeas. 

That evening Mom and I made a great Dilly Vegetable Stew to compliment the sourdough.  It must have been pretty good because after their trip she text me for the recipe.


  1. I'd love that dilly vegetable stew recipe too. And your dad's bread looks delicious!

  2. Your stew did rock. Thanks for making sure Eury can't fall through places!


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