bring on the new year!

A conversation over the holidays brought to light an interesting revelation.  Sitting around a delicious spread of fixings we were discussing 2013 and I admitted that I am glad to see it finished - it has been a bear.  This last year has been one of the most difficult and frustrating of my life.  Tonight, at midnight, I will gladly kiss it goodbye.

In all honesty, I never have a felt as weak and ineffective as I have this year.  There was the emotional roller coaster of admitting to myself that all those plans I had built up in my head had expired.  I had to let go of the "supposed to be" and accept the future will never be as I plan it.

Oh, come on, it wasn't all that bad.

No, you are right.  It brought many wonderful moments and here they are in the longest post ever...

 ringing in the new year with Fern and Maggy

 enjoying the summer and pig season

 and fall with the two-year-old

 cheering this guy on to state

 being a part of this

 my days as Miss T

 spending my days smiling

 the extraordinary support from my students and co-workers in my westward migration

 meeting this lady

I don't even like to imagine were I would be if this lady hadn't been there at that exact moment.

 Diner-ing with this group

 Having a chauffeur take me to school every day

this improv moment

 what a face to wake up to

 meeting miss Amelia

 adding a sister to the tribe

 seeing this guy in that gown...and his heel kicks

 this face

 meeting Eury and seeing her momma for the first time as a momma

 the addition of this blonde to our lives and the joy she brought

 these trees

 entertaining these visitors under those trees

 this man, his depth, my inspiration

my personal cheerleader

 these brutes picking blueberries

 this family, and spending days with this lady and her little lady

 Hanging out with the brunettes of the family

 getting to know this lady and the light she brings to my brother's life

 adding the farmers market to my life, eating seasonally

 enjoying the market with these sweeties

 being a part of this magical moment

 waking up to this after the longest day of my life

 exploring my new city with this crew

 bathroom selfies

 sewing lessons with my new apprentice

 being oh so thankful together

 these two

 flying home to her

 44 hours roadtripping

being witness to this joy

cousins, and these faces at Christmas

taking a walk in the red rocks

It was one crazy year.  There were days where I was moving so fast I didn't have time to sneeze.  There were months were I was drained emotionally, physically and mentally.  This year has got me where I need to be.  

My tremendous gratitude and love to all these faces and especially that small band of you that brought me through those dark winter days.  Everyday I am grateful for you, your encouragement and those moments when you picked me up from that heap on the floor.

Thank you 2013, for pushing me harder than I thought I could go.  It wasn't one of those growing years, it was a pruning year.  This year was about completing, refocusing, and shooting full speed ahead.  I am so very grateful to be here.

As it stands, 2014 will not lack for excitement.

Bring on January.  


  1. Oh man you've had quite the year! I loved the little peek your photos offered :) Happy New Year!

    Also, Fern is the most darling little creature I have ever seen.


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