car talk

A few weeks ago Zachary was driving my car home after a football game.  He called me to tell me that it died down the road.  Fortunately, it was in front of his friend's house and he pulled it into their drive way for the night.  From the sounds of it the water pump was shot (not good).  Being upset naturally I text Rachel to share my not so good news.  A few minutes later I got a text from her saying that Josh would fix it.  WHAT!  I was very excited.  And folks, that is exactly what he did.  He spent a really long time working on my car - of which I am so very grateful. 

 Here he his working at the timing belt.  I learned a little bit about engines (five billion times more than I did before).

 I never knew this was what a water pump looks like.  This is the inside of my shot pump.  It was very broken.

 Another awesome thing about Josh working on my car was hanging out with this lady!  Stella adores her Auntie Rachel and about five seconds after this photo Stella totally smooched her good.

 I found these goggles at an estate sale a few weeks back and have had them hanging on the hooks by the door ever since because I knew they would need to be worn by someone.  Apparently they are really good vintage goggles for doing something Josh really likes to do and so they found a new home.

I am so grateful for the massive amount of time and energy Joshua spent on getting my car going again.  The other good news is he said my engine is in tip-top shape.  Yay!

As happy as I am, I think Stella was even more thrilled.


  1. Car trouble sucks! (Our truck is in the shop right now.) But somehow your car trouble turned out to be quite lovely :)


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