Mommummommommy mamama

Oh, she'll hate these photos!  This weekend I've been working on a project I have wanted to create and have had stewing since the summer.  I've been wanting to create a portrait of my mom.  This weekend I painted her in acrylic (yes, sometimes I do approve of plastic) on a canvas I stretched with a floral patterned fabric (and gessoed).  I am now embroidering stitched hair and really liking the results.  After spending many hours starring at my mom and really breaking down the shapes of her face she is all I can see when I look in mirror.  I guess everyone has that "I'm turning into my mother" moment.  People have told me I look like my mom (to which she replies "poor thing" and I COMPLETELY object to her comment) but it wasn't until painting this picture that I am seeing it so vividly.  I see her in my eyes and my cheeks and my nose.  It's nuts!  But seriously, what more could I ask for than such a nice reminder of the woman I love so much every time I look in the mirror.  
Thanks God.  


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