It happened today - something I thought was merely the weather monger's yarns.  I looked outside and saw little tiny flakes of white gently falling to the ground.  SNOW!  It was spitting snow.  Naturally, I ran outside to the street in front of the shop and let it hit my face for a bit of time.  Tradition and ceremony are donned for such an annual occurrence.  The first snow.  I thought that's all it would be...a few flakes. 

 As four o'clock drew near the flakes grew larger.

 By the time I made it home it was pouring fat, wet snow.  Mind you I road my bicycle this morning when it was clear and sunny (a bit cold, but nice).

 Snow on mother's roses.

 Snow covering the salt and pepper (green and brown) fall grass.

   The garden has its first winter coating.  The red tub is full of Rescue Heroes.  These were the pride and joy of my elementary aged little brothers.  They are now dusted off whenever we have little folks over, as in last Sunday.  They were evidently rescuing someone from a watery doom.

The thing about that snow's still there.  Cold wet snow.  I have quite a feeling that this winter will see a hefty amount of snow.  "They" say that when there is a dry summer, as we experienced this summer, an extra dousing of snow is in store.  The precipitation will equal out.  Yikes.  Time for some new windshield wiper blades.

Oh, and you should enjoy this video for 20 seconds.  It will explain one of the many "Commonly-quoted Telschow family favorites".  It is from the movie Hook, which also falls into the a fore mentioned category, the whole movie that is.


  1. Woohoo!!! Snow!!
    I love winter and Christmas holiday that associated with snow flakes and icy streets! It`s sad because in my country there always cold and dry in the winter! Hope that this year something will change!


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