the after

Remember the secret garden project...X.

Well, here is the after!

Today was a perfectly lovely rainy day.  The kind that makes everything lush and green and put a good damp cool in the air that warrant that wool sweater I heaped on today.  The garden was loving the rain/mist/spit.
Al, boss the elder, spends mid-mornings and mid-afternoons in the wing-back chair just inside the doorway.  I sit just on the other side of the window working on each edition of the newspaper.  
He almost certainly asks me every time we are both sitting, "is my sitting here distracting you?" 
I always say, "of course not."

It is so much fun to watch the surprise on the faces of the shop's customers as they discover the secret garden for themselves.  It is very unexpected.  It is even more entertaining when the person is a life-long area resident.  They always ask how long it has been there and then I give my mom, dad, and brothers their due kudos.  
(WHICH IS brothers spent some seriously hot days digging that pond and paths and schlepping like crazy!)
Mom in constantly tending the plants and checks on it every morning.
Dad is always there to fill the pond, or water plants, or move something.

Um, nothing to do with the above, but would you please just look at my baby brother and pup.  Zachary is infamous for his uncanny ability to sleep.  He has fallen asleep on the stairs climbing to bed before.  Well, tonight the sixteen-year-old sleeps inverted on the ottoman in the carriage house.  I love it.


  1. Thank you for posting those lovely pictures.

  2. I help make that.... A lot of it.

    Thanks for taking pictures and having this blog Sharon... Reminds me of home. :)

  3. Take me to the garden, please.
    -Angela M.

  4. Oh, if they only knew how hard it was to dig that pond.


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