Much, much.

It seems quite strange to look back at a little over one month ago and think how much has happened.

Maybe it is the blanket of snow that has suddenly
and thoroughly altered the weather.

Dad began his semester today and I went shopping with him for art supplies. What a strange world it was. Remembering that it was less than a year ago that I was was doing the same. It seems like life has just fast-forward with me in it to this moment. I was thinking how much I missed French Impressionism class. It was nice, quiet and dark. I sat next to two lovely people and it was good. Art History classes... quite often not the most fun but all the same peaceful.

Nice, quiet, dark.

Just the total opposite of my final Fibers courses. Some days they would hold similar patterns but most were bright, lively, and wonderful.

So much has changed.

Life - what happens while your busy making plans.

And a large possibility looms in the horizon. A big adventure. One year ago the idea would have overwhelmed and terrified me but now...
