Cat Scratch Fever.
The marks of a panther.
A few weeks ago, a cougar was spotted on a man's hunting camera east of town. We published it and it caused quite a stir of people saying they had also witnessed what they believed to be a cougar.
Monday, a man came in with a bit of evidence that a cougar had been reported disturbing goats and scratching poles west of town - about ten miles from the initial sighting. Boss the elder and I drove out and snapped some photos to publish.
Last night, I guess I had cat on my mind as I went to sleep. I dreamed this family of cougars had taken up residence in our upstairs. We had kind of trapped them but we really couldn't figure out how we would get them out and I was a little mad at Zachary for leading them up there in the first place. But the real issue was how I was going to get them out without getting someone eaten up. The only reasonable solution that could be reached was to shoot them. (No doubt this idea stemmed from the discussion of a dear friend's trip to the shooting range with her beau.) And that is where my dream ended. That would just need to be shot. I believe it was quite a comical dream.
Talk about taking your work home.
Monday, a man came in with a bit of evidence that a cougar had been reported disturbing goats and scratching poles west of town - about ten miles from the initial sighting. Boss the elder and I drove out and snapped some photos to publish.
Last night, I guess I had cat on my mind as I went to sleep. I dreamed this family of cougars had taken up residence in our upstairs. We had kind of trapped them but we really couldn't figure out how we would get them out and I was a little mad at Zachary for leading them up there in the first place. But the real issue was how I was going to get them out without getting someone eaten up. The only reasonable solution that could be reached was to shoot them. (No doubt this idea stemmed from the discussion of a dear friend's trip to the shooting range with her beau.) And that is where my dream ended. That would just need to be shot. I believe it was quite a comical dream.
Talk about taking your work home.
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