Do I ever want one of these:

Sometimes they come with black spots and those are ever so charming as well. This would be great for my tea table - much better than my usually half gallon carton of soymilk. (I also love it because the contents I would use it for would ironically not be dairy.)

Today was a good day. Well, good and bad. I participated with the advisory board panel discussion about the Fibers department and way to improve. I finished sewing my pillowcases and then washed them and they bled onto my placemat front - not cool. But after the initial disappointment and scoop of ice cream/slice of pizza I consumed to wash down my anxiety, I went to class and Pam gave me suggestions to recover them so I am trying but have come to the conclusion of se la vie. In the evening Molly and her pup Riva went with Stella and I to get a bag of dog food at the pet store and then browsed world market. That was very fun. She also made supper for us and it was very nice to spend some moments together. She is just so wonderful. Good hugger. And I was able to talk to Rachel. Her cell has been MIA and communication lost. Generally we text and whatnot. Ironically, I sent her some mail via USPS complete with photos and a mix cd and when she received it she was in the process of sending me the same thing. I'm so glad to have talked to her.

What a good night and I'm about to make it even better by snuggling up with my big ol pup in my fluffy bed.
