Oh, it is so nice to have an hour of not having to DO anything. I feel like I have been running around so much that I don't even remember what I have done. I'm sure Stella feels the same way. It is so nice, though I do have a pile of work to do, to sit for a few minutes and enjoy my couch and my puppy. The couch is beginning to smell like her, but I'm okay with that because it is a familiar comfort.

My term is finished in 16 days. That leaves a lot to accomplish in little time. I had a chat with one of my professors and it was determined (in a non-disclipinary way) that I need to set some serious deadlines and goals in regards to my work. I completely agree. I have twenty-two.five weeks of school left (not including breaks) and that is not a lot of time to mess around. I also inquired as to whether she knew anything of the fibers scene in Chicago and she said it should be pretty good due to the Art Institute having a very well know fibers department. That is very good to know.
