Yes, I'm back in Savannah and waking at dawn everyday to make it to my 8am class across town on time. Nothing like a quick mile in morning traffic and three really tall flights of stairs to get your day started. Okay so I guess that is not so bad but it sure does feel like it.

It was supposedly 100 degrees here today. Pretty hot. Josiah and I have been running around doing errands. We went shoe shopping for sandals today at the mall. That trip was concluded with Back in the Day. Mmmm. We went to the library yesterday and found some reading material to hull up with while the sun is too high in the sky for the out of doors. Everyday is perfect for the beach. Maybe someday soon we will gather everything up and our SPF 1000 and head for the shore. The water would be nice even though it tastes like nasty. It makes me miss the fun time had by all at Lake Michigan on the occasion of Rachel's birthday. Can't jump off a pier here - sharks and such.
