I made it down here after many hours of driving. And I signed my new lease - ensuring my permanence in this location for the next thirteen months. And now all my stuff is sitting in massive clumps, distributed evenly throughout my three roomed apartment.

Last night Stella held my exact sentiments. She was standing in the kitchen - shaking. She looked quite desolate (not unusual for her breed - but more so than usual). I think all the loud banging of things and rapid disturbance in her normal calm life was a bit much. And I knew what would help her to feel a bit more secure. I set up the couch/futon where she ALWAYS sat in the last place we lived in Savannah. Once that was set up she laid on it watching me intently as I cleaned the kitchen until she fell asleep.

She did a great job of reading my own feelings - it is very overwhelming to move into a new place and then facing the commitment of the at least a year. I haven't lived in the same place for a year since high school. I guess now that is a reality I must face and accept and any moment now will completely embrace. I think the embracing will happen once all my things are in order and I can put my plethora of blue tubs into the storage closet under the stairs. And leave them there for a long time.
