At the beginning of my Lacoste experience I decided I wanted to make a badge for all the Fibers ladies. They were made with a sandwiching of various materials: cotton, faux felt, cotton batting, and plaid wool. They were machine stitched with free-motion and the pin was hand-stitched using a blanket stitch to attach. I had finished their creation about two weeks ago but had not yet photographed them and was holding off on giving them to my fellow mademoiselles de Fibre. Yesterday I finally whipped out the camera. Thusly it was necessary to hold an F-ing ceremony to commemorate the event. Carrie and I put it together to make it like a sorority thing with cloaks, lights off and an oath. It was a lot of fun and everyone kept in good spirits and went along with the whole thing. After words we had a little dance party and went singing around the village. It was a nice way to start the week.
