I am finally posting. I know it has been forever. Tomorrow we leave for Paris at 6:30am so I thought it would be good to do at least one posting before I went off on that grand adventure and am away from my computer for five days.


Here are photos of a few of the goings on of late. We have been all over Southern France and an end to our excursions are nowhere in sight. I get back from Paris late on Sunday - no SuperBowl for me. (It is awful in France anyway. None of the commentary, enthusiasm or commercials.) While in Paris we are going to the Louvre, of course, the Museum d'Orsay, Prelle Showroom (the silk weaver I visited last year who did all the work for Marie Antoinette - the queen and the film), Edlekoort and Trend Union (the are the creators of Bloom and are huge trend forecasters and we will be seeing what is in store for the 2009-2010 Winter season), and billions of other amazing moments. Jam packed. When we return from Paris the following Friday we will be taking the train to Lyon and visiting Prelle's factory to see where all their weaving is done. Some is mechanized but some is still done by hand on huge room-filling Jacquard looms with the punch-card system (the birth of computers). And it continues on and on. I will keep you updated as the quarter progresses into madness.

I'm having a great time and have been making much. My biggest project so far would be a small one yard square quilt. It was a lot of fun to put together and I am having a great time doing the stitching by hand (not the stitching that assembles it but the stitches that go on top). My fingers are a bit sore from the needle but I am sure they will toughen up over time.

I am completely ready for my mind to be bombarded in Paris at all there is and to have a billion ideas overwhelm me.

My on-line english class is rather simple and I have had no problems with that. It has given me the opportunity to read a bit of the "great" writers of last century such as Jack London and Ernest Hemingway. I think you had almost the same class last year Stacy.

The village is still great. I think though that more dogs have moved in because I don't remember the streets being is such a land mine state last year. Sometimes I trip on the uneven ground (Carrie says it's because I don't wear shoes with support) and have twice twisted my ankle - but it is okay because they are a very sturdy joint on me and I can just walk it off in a minute.

I have really enjoyed the company of all my new fiber's friends and have found myself in great discussion and great hearts.

At the market the other day I bought three wool sweaters - made in Scotland and Italy - for a grand total of six euro. That is about $10. I was very excited. Wool sweaters are great here because if I have one on I don't have to wear a coat. I think I have had only to break out the coat late at night when it gets chilly.

This year I feel like my mind is more clear and being here has given me more time to really think about life and just kind of start to form ideas of life, society, future and all those things that are tumbling around in my young life loving mind. The longer I am here the more I realize there is so much in my own backyard - so to speak - that I have not seen. I would like to take a trip out west and into the north in North American this summer. If I have a moment - I keep trying to cram more expectations for that precious last free summer before life starts to go really fast. I also am realizing how near my very own graduation and expectance into the "real world" is growing. A little over a year - that will fly by as much as the last one has. And I also realize there is so much more I want to learn and all these classes I want to take but don't fit into that awful thing called my schedule of courses. Not cool. Then I realize this is only the beginning. Soon to be the end of my formal education, for now, but I still have the rest of my life to learn!

As you can tell being here really does something to the mind. Take away a steady internet connection, a girl's cell phone and seclude her in a tiny medieval village and the cobwebs are bound to start shaking off.

Of course I miss you all and am sending you all a three cheek kiss like they do it down here in France. Mwah, mwah, mwah.
