Yes, I'm at my edge.
I feel like her and I am this close to ripping my freaking touch book to shreads. I could shoot it right now. Preferably with a shotgun so it would splatter into a million pieces and be embeded in the stone foot thick walls forever!
It is so boring. My book is so boring!
So this is the crisis of the moment. where my frustration is loosed - on the cyberworld rather then the physical world. I guess that is a decent way of doing it. If I where a hacker I would create a virus and unleashi it on the world - but I'm not so you don't have to worry about that one. Okay, I am just ranting - haven't slept in too long.
Yes, I'm at my edge.
I feel like her and I am this close to ripping my freaking touch book to shreads. I could shoot it right now. Preferably with a shotgun so it would splatter into a million pieces and be embeded in the stone foot thick walls forever!
It is so boring. My book is so boring!
So this is the crisis of the moment. where my frustration is loosed - on the cyberworld rather then the physical world. I guess that is a decent way of doing it. If I where a hacker I would create a virus and unleashi it on the world - but I'm not so you don't have to worry about that one. Okay, I am just ranting - haven't slept in too long.
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