But tonight I shant get much of that luxury. Another Manic Monday. I was up for a little past normal last night finishing a paper (which is a take-home-test, meaning it is 20% of my grade) I turned in at the beginning of Art History at 8am. Out of class at 10:30am then off to work from 11am to 5:30pm. Straight from work I headed to the dark room and stayed in the poorly ventilated chemical-ridden basement of that building until 12:45am. I got all the photos I needed printed printed. They are currently drying and will be ready in the morning when I go press them to make them flat. I need to do that sometime between morning and my 2pm Photo class and I also need to finish my Fibers project which is six samples of the three processes we have recently learned. Oye. And the madness will continue until 7:30pm next Tuesday - at which I will be done and free of school for the next 7 weeks and free of Savannah for the next 3 months. Yep. Crazy week. Hmmm. Maybe I'll go sleep now - or work on fibers - or have some more supper.
