If you ever get a cat you should definitely name it Pussy. It's just way to much fun.

"Get your Pussy out from under my bed."

"Did you just spank my Pussy?"

"That is one dirty Pussy."

"Did you see Pussy today?"

"Does the Pussy have fleas?"

Okay, that is enough for now.


  1. oh, sharon, how i love thee.

  2. So I've neglected to read your blog for the past couple of days and I just got caught up. So no mas tree eh? Well, blue tassels are cool too. As long as it's what you want. And I think it would be even funnier if you named a dog pussy. Fetch, Pussy! Pussy can do tricks. Pussy is man's best friend. (how fitting) hehe. I'm muy excited to see you. Have a save trip back!


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