Okay, so there is not really any flem - but I have had a couple of explosive sneezes. I'm a wee bit sickly. Pained head, drained nasal cavity, sored throat, achy. But I'll kick that in the butt.

I'm working on making a blanket out of all of my old t-shirts. I've almost got the 30 12" squares sewn together. That is a lot of the battle. It will be cool - no not really cool. Kind of ugly but full of memories. I know exactly where each piece came from and why it was significant. That is cool.

Last night I was driving home from hanging out with Rachel and Stephen and I remembered I forgot my bag of stuff I bought at Meijer so I did a U and went back. Well, as I was driving a deer ran across the road in the distance. I think, "there is probably one stortly after that one." And sure enough, there it was. I flashed my light, hit the horn and slammed the breaks. Miraculously, that worked and I was able to slam the breaks in time to stop with the beast about 3-5 feet in front of me. It slipped right (as in fell) in front of the car and ran away. But it never touched the vehicle. I stopped there for a second and watched to make sure there were no more. There were. So I slowly continued. And I had my lights on bright for the rest of the drive.

Okay, back to sewing.


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