Tomorrow, er rather today, is going to be glorious. For one because I don't have any classes (for once). This week has just taken way too long. For another I am so tired. And hopefully LB and I can head out to Tybee for some RandR. That is after my work meeting at 9am. Maybe that will make me even more tired and I will be able to nap on the sand.

Sunday, I am planning to have quite a crew to make dinner (late lunch) for. What I need to get done this weekend is shoot three rolls that have to do with my assignment and that is only seven photos each long. I also need to start on my fibers project. I am looking forward to that.

I will go to France. I will be winter and cold - but that is how I envision it anyway. Italy is supposed to be the sunny one and France the more gloomy serious "but I am le tired" one. Sounds beautiful to me. I like sweaters anyway. And crisp breezes warrenting the usage of them. You know like Chocolat. That is some of my mental image of France. Especially a tiny town like Lacoste.

Well, guess, what. It is almost 1 in the am and I have to be at a work meeting at 8 am. I thusly have two choices - shower or sleep. Toughy. One I despise and one I adore. Hmmm. Who wants to sleep with wet hair any way.


  1. Thought you'd like to know that Joe did very weil in his Marx Brother's skit at Panthers on Parade. You'd be proud.


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