I was at my bro Lewis' football game. Lew is in middle school. It was drizzling the whole time and my fingers are a bit stiff from the cold. But that is not so important (Lew kicked butt and all that). The best part was when the Grissom coach started yelling at the ref and went out onto the feild to get in his face. Ghetto. So the first time he got a pentalty of 15 yards. Yeah, but did he stop there - ahh no. He didn't get the idea continued to yell and was penalized another 10 yards. Still did get it and was penalized anther ten yards. So this poop head cost his kid 35 yards and took away their snowballs chance of winning. Needless to say my bro's team won. Yeah for Lewis and stupid people for making a rainy game funny.
