windy weekend #1

It's been fast times around the old Telschow homestead.  Brothers have been trekking all over and so have I.

Last weekend (that's September 2nd) I trekked it up to Chicago to celebrate the birthday of Despina!  Despina and I earned our "F" together in France and Savannah.  We were also joined by our fellow "F"ers Laura and Zachary.  Now, Zachary is an architect (not a fiberfolk), but he is/was just so cool he was "F"ed too.  

It was a great time with some great people.

 Zach, Laura, Des and I in front of a boulangerie.

 Des, the total expert at cab hailing, gets us a ride after an amazing dinner of Japanese and fun times karaoke singing.  She is so good at karaoke.  Our next stop was the dance floor!
 All signs of a good night!
Saturday we headed downtown for some original Chicago deep-dish at Pizza Due.  The rest of the night was spent in relaxing and hanging out.  It was so nice to spend time together.  Laura lives in Wisconsin and Zachary in Georgia so all of us together was AWESOME!

We spend Sunday morning wondering around Andersonville and checking out some really cute shops.  

 I found humor and inspiration on sidewalks.

And Zachary found his dream car!

That was my awesome first weekend in Chicago.  Don't worry...there is more to come because yesterday I made another trip to the windy city.  I'll fill you in more on that adventure a little later.  Now its time to go cheer on baby brother at his football game.


  1. Chicago is such a great city! Looks like you had a blast.

  2. Awesome Sharon! You didn't say you went to Chicago the last time you called.


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