Cornfields are so beautiful. In a matter of months they shoot out of the ground from mere seeds. Watching the tiny little greens poke out of the ground is magic. Then, suddenly, after a blink of an eye, it's over your head. Corn and soybeans are grown in alternating years, generally, sometimes it would be a surprise double corn or double soybeaning. Growing up, it was always our favorites to have the corn because it made a beautiful backdrop to summer in the garden and back yard. This is feed corn, not to be confused with the Sweet Corn we eat on the cob - my brothers and I did try it from the fields once as kids and it came as a disappointment to find there was a difference.
(cousin Angela standing in the corn over knee high before the fourth of July)
The old saying is that the corn should be knee high by the fourth of July.

Corn tunnels. Though they were on nearly three sides of our house I was always a bit too afraid to play in corn fields as a child. I was, one, scared I would get lost and, two, afraid a combine would come and eat me up. A combine is a large piece of farming equipment.

Lovely roadsides billowing with corn. Driving down roads with corn fields on each side is one of my favorite moments of summer.

The town water tower at the new park behind the elementary school. Back when I was a kid that park was a corn field.

Corn stalks left on the ground for nutrients and soil erosion prevention. Soybeans plants are now growing over top.


  1. behind my grandpa's house is a huge cornfield. as a kid i loved running through it all... grandma would give me a skein of red wool to tie to the outer stalk so i could always find my way back.


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